Saturday, November 17, 2012

Opening the Gates of Hell

Lauri B. Regan

In the face of Israel's latest attempt to protect its citizens, Hamas sent a warning that Israel has "opened the gates of hell."  Put aside Hamas's threats of retaliation and war in response to Israel's targeted assassination of a known terrorist and madman during Operation Pillar of Defense.  It is of utmost importance for people to understand which side of this enduring conflict actually opened up the floodgates of violence and perpetuates the moral and civil decline of the Palestinian people.

Ahmed Jabari, a Hamas military commander and terrorist linked to hundreds of terror operations over decades, including masterminding the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit, was not the hero that the Palestinians would have you believe.  No matter, though -- demonizing Israel is a decades-old sport pursuant to which the players attempt to destroy their opponent without regard for the truth or moral standing.

While the world watches the escalation of the violence in the Middle East, the pro-Palestinian moral equivalency machine presses forward with lies, propaganda, and protests as if attacks on innocent Israeli civilians by Palestinian terrorists are not the norm.  Yet they are the norm.  And the world expects Israel to live with hundreds if not thousands of missiles launched at its people, destroying lives and property with psychologically devastating results, despite the fact that no other country would ever do allow such a thing.  In the face of miraculous restraint by Israel to date, Hamas escalated the level of violence over the past several weeks, debilitating Southern Israel.
Alas, Israel must not only defend its borders and protect its people.  The world forces it to defend the military intervention required to ensure its survival while ignoring its autonomous right to do so.  It is like walking into Bizarro-World as we learn of the anti-Israel protests occurring across the globe, complete with chants supporting terrorists and attacking Israel.  From New York to Tel Aviv, London to Quebec, Boston to Paris, and Sydney to Beirut, the pro-Palestinian misinformation campaign is out in full force, continuing to co-opt the narrative and portray the bad guys as the victims rather than the terrorists they really are. And while the pro-Israel demonstrators say prayers and psalms, their counterparts scream hate and call for vengeance and destruction.

What type of insane society do we live in where murderers are defended by citizens across the globe? What hope does the world have when the division between right and wrong no longer exists and murdering innocent civilians is deemed a fundamental right of a people who do not like their neighbors? It is a mad world and one that will not be able to sustain itself if the forces of evil have their way.

The propaganda machine perpetuating this destructive narrative is in full force in the Palestinian territories, where young children dress up in faux suicide bombing vests and carry machine guns at young ages. These children are treated to cartoon characters that teach them to hate Israel and kill the Jews.  Their schoolbooks do not recognize Israel or its historical, legal, and biblical connections and rights to the land they desire to excise as their own.  The facts are distorted in order to create future generations of hateful murderers who will continue the cycle of violence with no desire for peace.  Palestinian children are being brainwashed by an irrational hatred that has no end and that has opened the gates of hell for all of the Palestinian people to enter.

But the indoctrination is also occurring across the globe, and here in the United States, it is pervasive.  My son wrote a paper in his seventh-grade history class addressing the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  In the paper he discussed the Palestinian custom of glorifying murderers by naming public squares and arenas after terrorists who kill Israeli civilians.  His teacher marked up his paper and wrote, "Be careful with your choice of words.  One country's terrorists are another country's heroes."  This is what our children are being taught in grade school through grad school.  They are not being taught the difference between right and wrong.  They are not instilled with moral servitude and historical context.  They are brainwashed.

Civilized countries sit at the United Nations and invite dictatorships and tyrannies to hold positions on human rights councils and pass resolutions denouncing the only country in the Middle East that respects freedom and democracy.  These same countries donate billions of dollars to the U.N. and its NGOs, which then distribute the money to terrorists who turn their weapons on a peace-loving people who are continually forced to defend themselves for simply existing.

For the time being, the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and others are defending Israel's right to protect her citizens.  However, rest assured that as the gates of hell open wider and wider and the terrorists force Israel into greater military intervention, her support on the international stage will weaken.  It has become too commonplace to blame Israel.  It is too easy for the mindless to equate Hamas's aggression with Israel's defense.  The manipulations by Pallywood, lies by the Palestinians, hatred at the U.N., culpability of the media, and protests in the streets will continue in full force until war ends this round of violence.  But Israel will remain on the receiving end of the world's vitriol and admonishments.

What will it take for the gates of hell to be closed forever?  It will take a world where Iran is not permitted to create a regional hegemon, let alone acquire nuclear weapons.  It will require Islamic extremists to be recognized for what they are, not invited into the White House and helped to power in Egypt.  Civilizations must teach history, not indoctrinate.  Journalists must produce honest reports rather than fabricate false narratives.  The gates of hell did not just open when Israel's military wiped out an evil monster -- Jabari and his ilk climbed out of hell long before Israel's recent founding, and more like him will continue to rise until the world takes a stand.

The Jewish people are also known as God's Chosen People.  The terrorists who seek to destroy them do not believe that.  However, if they look back throughout history, all of the enemies of the Jewish people were ultimately destroyed.  And the Jews have survived millennia as a superior culture of thinkers, producers, doers, and survivors.  They are a moral people who believe in the ultimate goodness of man and wish only to be left alone to thrive in peace for future generations.  The Jewish people did not climb out of hell, nor will they fall into oblivion like those who seek their destruction.  Their enemies who martyr themselves in the hopes of a street being named after them should perhaps consider that the gates of hell could always be renamed the Jabari Gates.

Page Printed from: at November 17, 2012 - 06:42:26 AM CST

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